Thursday, April 29, 2010


4/29-Arrived in Naples this morning and had time for a quick breakfast before meeting for our first tour of the cruise, the ruins of Pompei. We have spent a day in Naples in the past, and a description by European travel author Rick Steves says it best: "Naples is Italy in the extreme-its best (birthplace of pizza) and its worst (home of the "Camorra", Naples' family of organized crime. To me, it is like New York on Steroids. Pompei in its heyday was a booming Roman trading city, a perfect example of typical Roman life. in 79AD Mount Vesuvius errupted and buried the city under 30 feet of hot volcanic ash. It was rediscovered in the 1600's, and excavations began in 1748. Our tour was extremely interesting, and it was easy to imagine what it must have been like back then. Once again, it was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. We leave tonight for Messina, on the island of Sicily.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Johnsons:
    We have enjoyed reading your blog keep it up.
    You two covered a lot of ground in Rome I don't think us old farts could have kept up.
    Your trip so far sounds as if it couldn't have gone better.
    Keep blogging and we will keep following.
    Tanya has been sickly but feeling better will write soon." If Cindy is still losing weight forget Tanya as a friend blagh, blah, blah. "
    Have fun.
    The Hyatts.
